
Ouchijuku lying along Aizu West Road is a small village nestled among lofty mountains that once flourished as post town in the Edo period. The main road through this village was called Aizu West Road or Shimotsuke Road which played an important role in connecting Aizu Wakamatsu, a castle town in Fukushima Prefecture, and Imaichi in Tochigi Prefecture: straw rice sacks and commodities were cared overland along this road [ref]. Was cold, but not freezing and snow was fresh from the nights before: almost perfect :) Careful with your shoes: the main path is just mud when wet.

Sengen Jinja

The Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Jinja (北口本宮冨士浅間神社) used to be the starting point for climbing Mount Fuji from the north. The trailhead is still located directly behind the right side of the shrine’s main hall , but today most climbers start their ascent from the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station halfway up the mountain, effectively shortening the climb by more than five hours.

Four trees in a wide square are believed to have been selected as the borders of the shrine area. Three trees remain today and are designated as natural monuments. Measuring about 23m at their girths, they are about 1000 years old and are believed to protect the shrine.