Space Invaders
Invader, the pseudonym of a renowned French urban artist born in 1969, is known for his mosaic artworks inspired by the 8-bit video games of the 1970s and 1980s. Taking his name from the 1978 arcade game Space Invaders, his creations are composed of square ceramic tiles that resemble video game characters. Though he remains incognito, guarding his identity carefully, his works have become iconic and can be found in over 65 cities across 33 countries.
Each city he visits becomes part of his “Invasion,” with every piece meticulously documented in books and maps that highlight their locations. His distinct mosaics are placed in highly visible and often unexpected spots, blending seamlessly into urban landscapes. Here in Harajuku, his work adds a playful touch to the neighborhood’s vibrant and artistic atmosphere—a perfect match for the district’s creative energy.