
Takadanobaba, affectionately known as “Baba,” is a bustling neighbourhood in Tokyo with a youthful, quirky vibe. It’s a hotspot for students, thanks to its proximity to Waseda University, and its streets are alive with energy, from lively izakayas to cosy cafés. Anime fans know Takadanobaba as the birthplace of *Astro Boy* (*Tetsuwan Atom*), and the area proudly pays homage to the iconic character with themed street decorations and music from the anime playing at the train station. The retro charm of small shops blends seamlessly with modern buildings, creating a unique atmosphere. Foodies will love the variety here, with ramen shops lining the streets, serving steaming bowls of rich broth and perfectly cooked noodles. The area is also known for its budget-friendly eats, catering to its student population. Despite its urban buzz, there are pockets of tranquillity, like the Kanda River or nearby parks, where you can escape the hustle and bustle for a quiet moment. Takadanobaba offers an eclectic mix of nostalgia, modernity, and student life, making it a distinctive slice of Tokyo worth exploring. Here are some of the photos I captured during my visits. Enjoy your virtual tour!

Sake Bar

Sake Bar

Discovered a lovely spot in Takadanobaba with a great selection and super friendly staff. A neat touch: the right glass is filled with water and serves as a reference for exactly how much to pour. Simple, clever, and thoughtful—just like the overall vibe of the place!

Takadanobaba Night

Takadanobaba Night

Takadanobaba on the Yamanote Line, also known as the Atomu stop! Famous for its connection to Astro Boy (Tetsuwan Atom), this lively station even plays the iconic theme song when trains arrive. A fun nod to Osamu Tezuka’s legacy and a charming detail for fans of Japanese pop culture.